Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Casual Introduction

This is my first day to blog..ever..feel a little behind the times. I have been wanting to do this for quite some time now, just couldn't decide on which route I wanted to take and what I wanted to discuss. Finally I have it...I want to discuss my savvy spending tips with friends and anyone else interested. I am always open for suggestions and would love questions!

I love to shop, but at the same time I hate to spend full price on anything. I like the hunt of trying to find a good deal, whether that be the perfect dress, my amazing new leather chair, or a caterer. To me THAT is the fun part of shopping or making purchases! I am one who loves a good sale, but will pick through it to find something I need. I really watch not buying something solely becasue it's on sale..that is NOT a bargain. Only buy what you will use of maybe what you have been looking for. I've come to see that most everything will go "on sale" at some point or another, it's just whether or not buying that item or service is savvy or not. Let's make the right choice here!

Now, I do want to make clear this is not just about your typically definition of "shopping." I want to include ways to save in all areas of life. I guess shopping just happens to be on my mind today!
Being an Event Coordinator by day, I have some very creative ways to do events and parties that will just take a little money and some time. I also want to discuss new businesses I find that can help you and me out at a reasonable cost, maybe include some free and fun things to do around town, etc. I will have to see how the mood strikes me I think...

Once again, anything dealing with Savvy Spending, I want to discuss! So, bring on the questions and comments please. Thanks for reading and hope you will continue.


LK Whitney said...

Yay, Savvy Spender! Can't wait to see what develops...


Amanda said...

You rock! Miss seeing you everyday...

Unknown said...

what a great topic..i'm all about shopping and any tips i can learn to help SAVE $$$ will be great...will be sure to check in frequently!

The Garrett's said...

Thanks Ladies for your support! xoxo

SCinNYC said...

YAY! Now maybe I will stop spending so much money on shopping!