Thursday, March 20, 2008

Becoming "Tech Savvy"..well trying at least

I went to lunch with a good friend earlier this week and she and I always end up talking about books; what we are currently reading, what is getting headlines, etc. She mentioned to me that she has fallen for A New Earth. This is Eckhart Tolle's newest and is getting all the rage from Oprah..It's part of her book club these days, complete with an online discussion, post each chapter. Simply Amazing.

So, getting to the point, I want to read this book, but as I've come to know myself and my schedule lately, this is next to impossible. Then I got to thinking, "what about an audiobook that I can listen to in my car?" Better yet, why don't I put it on my Ipod! Now, some of you may be saying, DUHH, but this is new to me. I do adore my Ipod, but really only use it for music. No videos, no tv shows, just music. I have a newfound love... Audiobooks on my Ipod.

My afternoon walks and/or gym outings will be pretty close to perfect now and I will be able to complete a book that I start from here on out!

So, the savvy part of this story is two-fold. No matter what software you use online to download music, etc you will be able to get audiobooks. I would advise steering away from iTunes just because they are the most expensive (like $18.95!). I have found another great website to purchase these audiobooks, though. It's The Audiobook Store. All audiobooks are just $7.49. And the good part is, once you finish the book, you just delete it from your computer and Ipod and you have that space back, since they are big files.

I am also a huge fan of using your local library. They too will have audiobooks, they just won't be the newest ones..great way to catch up on older books, though and they are FREE! You can even go online and place things on hold and they will email you when they are in and ready to be picked up. Very simple and again, FREE!

So in this beautiful weather, do yourself a favor; download a book, go for a leisurely walk and have some alone will do a body and mind good!

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